“The News — What is Happening?”

Chilee Talk™
3 min readSep 5, 2023
Credits: Photo by beytlik:

In a world where news headlines could give a caffeinated squirrel a run for its money in the anxiety department, I’ve discovered the ultimate life hack: not watching the news. You might call me an ostrich with my head in the sand, but trust me, there’s a method to my madness. Why let the world’s chaos invade my living space when I can cultivate a zen garden of sanity instead?

First off, have you seen the news lately? It’s like a reality TV show directed by a drama-hungry octopus. One moment, there’s a political scandal that could rival a Shakespearean play, and the next, a celebrity’s dog throwing a birthday party has taken over the airwaves. I’m all for variety, but this is a bit much. So, to avoid feeling like I’m riding an emotional roller coaster with one too many loop-de-loops — I’ve decided to steer clear of the entire ride.

People might argue that staying informed is a civic duty, like eating vegetables or recycling. But hear me out: by avoiding the news, I’m protecting my mental health and preventing a toxic spill in my living space. Imagine a room filled with all the world’s chaos, uncertainty, and sensationalism.

Now imagine — trying to squeeze in a comfy chair and a bowl of popcorn. Exactly — there’s no space left for relaxation!

And let’s not forget the unexpected benefits of my news embargo. Remember those awkward silences at social gatherings when everyone starts discussing the latest political scandal? Not my problem! I breeze through these conversations like a zen master, contributing nonchalant nods and the occasional “Hmm, interesting,” — while secretly thinking about whether pineapples makes a good pizza topping.

Of course, I’m not living under a rock. I catch snippets of headlines from overheard conversations, catchy billboards, and the occasional online meme. I like to think of it as news on a need-to-know basis. I mean, if the world were actually falling apart, someone would definitely mention it, right? Besides, it’s not like my blissful ignorance has led to global catastrophe. If anything, my plants are thriving, my stress levels are down, and my housemate seems to think I’m a calmer, less shouty version of myself.

In conclusion, I may not get any “Most Informed Citizen” awards, but my living space is a veritable oasis of calm amidst the storm of breaking news. Who needs to know every detail of every crisis when you can sip tea, binge-watch your favourite shows, and ponder the mysteries of life — like why “abbreviated” is such a long word? So, while the world does whatever it’s doing out there, I’ll be over here, preserving my sanity one news-free day at a time.

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